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Assessing Your Debt

Many consumers find themselves falling into the traps offered by the appeal of easy credit opportunities. They are dazzled by payment plans for tech purchases, zero-percent loans on major purchases, credit card-funded vacations to faraway locations, and blowout sales that tout incredibly long delays before any payments are due. Before


Money Saving Mortgage Strategies

Mortgages today are not like they were when our parents or grandparents bought their homes. As most of us don’t have the cash to buy a home outright, we need to borrow from a lender. There are a number of strategies you can use to get the best deal, pay


Financial Future Worries?

If you are concerned about your future finances, you are certainly not alone as noted in a global survey of 19,000 adult in over 19 countries (including Canada).   Nearly 68% (or two thirds) of the 1000 Canadians interviewed in the survey conducted by the Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC)


Consumer Impact of Low Interest Rates

While the Bank of Canada publicly muses about adopting negative interest rates on Government Bonds as a policy tool to stimulate economic growth, the Bank of Japan recently cut its benchmark interest rate below zero, joining several others including the European Central Bank in the negative interest rate club. According


9 Ways to Destroy Wealth

Taking the time and effort to manage your money better is certain to pay dividends in the future. By following the rules of careful money management, it is possible to cut out wasteful outgoings and increase savings, which can mean being $1,000s better off each year. Any of these extra


Financial Plans and Marriage Breakdown

Statistics show that about half of marriages end in divorce. Ed and Liz are ending theirs and are concerned about changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some considerations, also in common-law relationships, are:   Life Insurance – The first thing that needs to


Millennial Money Mistakes

Investors who start saving at a young age automatically have one of the most powerful assets on their side: Time. To get ahead financially, young adults should beware of some of the most common pitfalls discussed below that can all too easily sabotage a financial success strategy.   Not Taking


The Either / Or Financial Decision

When it comes to making financial decisions most people focus on eitheror scenarios; that is making a tactical decision that may or may not reflect a larger financial strategy or wealth accumulation context.   We often see these types of isolated, one-off decision choices in media articles that pose dilemmas


Thinking Like the Rich

There are some things that the rich do and the way they think that makes them different from you and me. These habits contribute to their ability to build and maintain long-lasting wealth and financial independence across several generations.   The first lesson is that they tend to live below


Getting Serious About Savings & Investing

We are now well into 2015 and your New Year’s Resolution to do a better job of managing your money are already being forgotten. As the late Sir John Templeton famously stated, the best time to invest is when you have money! The challenge for many people, with many middle-class


Assessing Your Debt

Many consumers find themselves falling into the traps offered by the appeal of easy credit opportunities. They are dazzled by payment plans for tech purchases, zero-percent loans on major purchases, credit card-funded vacations to faraway locations, and blowout sales that tout incredibly long delays before any payments are due. Before


Money Saving Mortgage Strategies

Mortgages today are not like they were when our parents or grandparents bought their homes. As most of us don’t have the cash to buy a home outright, we need to borrow from a lender. There are a number of strategies you can use to get the best deal, pay


Financial Future Worries?

If you are concerned about your future finances, you are certainly not alone as noted in a global survey of 19,000 adult in over 19 countries (including Canada).   Nearly 68% (or two thirds) of the 1000 Canadians interviewed in the survey conducted by the Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC)


Consumer Impact of Low Interest Rates

While the Bank of Canada publicly muses about adopting negative interest rates on Government Bonds as a policy tool to stimulate economic growth, the Bank of Japan recently cut its benchmark interest rate below zero, joining several others including the European Central Bank in the negative interest rate club. According


9 Ways to Destroy Wealth

Taking the time and effort to manage your money better is certain to pay dividends in the future. By following the rules of careful money management, it is possible to cut out wasteful outgoings and increase savings, which can mean being $1,000s better off each year. Any of these extra


Financial Plans and Marriage Breakdown

Statistics show that about half of marriages end in divorce. Ed and Liz are ending theirs and are concerned about changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some considerations, also in common-law relationships, are:   Life Insurance – The first thing that needs to


Millennial Money Mistakes

Investors who start saving at a young age automatically have one of the most powerful assets on their side: Time. To get ahead financially, young adults should beware of some of the most common pitfalls discussed below that can all too easily sabotage a financial success strategy.   Not Taking


The Either / Or Financial Decision

When it comes to making financial decisions most people focus on eitheror scenarios; that is making a tactical decision that may or may not reflect a larger financial strategy or wealth accumulation context.   We often see these types of isolated, one-off decision choices in media articles that pose dilemmas


Thinking Like the Rich

There are some things that the rich do and the way they think that makes them different from you and me. These habits contribute to their ability to build and maintain long-lasting wealth and financial independence across several generations.   The first lesson is that they tend to live below


Getting Serious About Savings & Investing

We are now well into 2015 and your New Year’s Resolution to do a better job of managing your money are already being forgotten. As the late Sir John Templeton famously stated, the best time to invest is when you have money! The challenge for many people, with many middle-class