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Investment Funds

Many people will offer you advice on which investments to buy. But there's more to your financial life than your RRSP. Estate taxes, income taxes and education funds for your children are just some of the other complex aspects of your total financial picture.

You need a Financial Advisor to help you develop an effective financial strategy.

Personal financial strategies focuses on you as an individual – bringing together all the financial and psychological factors that have an impact on your life.

Power of Attorney

Why do you need a Power of Attorney?

What if you were in a coma, or otherwise incapacitated such that you were unable to communicate? Or struck with a disease or other tragedy which affected your mind? Who should control your finances, or your assets? A Power of Attorney1 ensures that your wishes in these and other unexpected circumstances are heard, understood, and carried out to your specifications.


In our society there are many conflicting opinions about the pros and cons of marriage. This short article is not any type of social commentary about this very personal lifestyle choice.

There are however many different financial consequences for Canadians who enter into a marriage relationship, either via a formal ceremony or by choosing to cohabit with the same person for a minimum of 6 months.


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